Since the sale of its first machine to a tire manufacturer in 1965, Spoolex and its well-known Calemard® converting machinery division became a key suppliers, recognized by all the major tire companies as the worldwide reference in rubber slitting and spooling machines to cover all slitting needs in passenger, light truck or high-speed tires plant. In addition to its well-known range of reliable slitter-rewinders and spooling machines, Calemard® manufactures patented in-line continuous processes (in-line winding and in-line spooling), as well as automated loading/conveying/unloading solutions. Don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your future slitting, rewinding or spooling projects, but also to discover our Non-stop solutions producing pads or spools, or our patented Unishaft® technology, our latest innovation to optimize product quality and increase productivity by reducing handling, downtimes and operators need.
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